Search Results: "evgeni"

18 September 2012

Evgeni Golov: Why I hope Twitter will die with the new API

26 August 2012

Gregor Herrmann: RC bugs 2012/34

good news: I'm seeing more & more people contributing to RC bugs in the BTS. here are my own contributions for the past week:

22 July 2012

Evgeni Golov: RC bugs 2012/29

RCBW report for 2012/29 (16.7.-22.7.) The motto for this week was:
shut up and take my patches!
(Don t take it personally, it s just a meme :P)

26 April 2012

Soeren Sonnenburg: GSoC2012 Accepted Students

Shogun has received an outstanding 9 slots in this years google summer of code. Thanks to google and the hard work of our mentors ranking and discussing with the applicants - we were able to accept 8 talented students (We had to return one slot back to the pool due to not having enough mentors for all tasks. We indicated that octave gets the slot so lets hope they got it and will spend it well :). Each of the students will work on rather challenging machine learning topics. The accepted topics and the students attacking them with the help of there mentors are We are excited to have them all in the team! Happy hacking!

19 February 2012

Gregor Herrmann: RC bugs 2012/07

thanks to the Paris BSP & other activities we're seeing a nice decline in RC bugs. here are my recent contributions:

8 January 2012

Christian Perrier: To be the coolest...

...Bartosz, Evgeni, you'll be the coolest ones when you've done them by yourselves...:-)

7 January 2012

Bartosz Feński: I m even cooler

Evgeni Golov you re not the coolest fanboy. I ve got thispenguin And it s made by my girlfriend as a christmas gift. Also hand-made. Judge this ;)

3 December 2011

Evgeni Golov: git rocks even when it sucks

Today I wanted to clone my dotfiles repository (no, not available online, too much private stuff in there) to a remote machine and noticed that it has grown way too big (20MiB working directory and about 200MiB in .git), so I decided to clean it up. git gc did clean up a couple of megabytes, but .git was still about 190MiB, so I wasn t satisfied. Short thinking revealed the lost megabytes are somewhere in the history when I accidentally added some files and removed them afterwards (iceweasel, icedove, it s you I m blaming ;)). But how the heck do I find and remove them? git filter-branch -f --index-filter 'git rm --cached --ignore-unmatch FILE' -- --all will remove FILE from all commits, says git-filter-branch(1), but how to find those files? They are not in my working directory anymore and I do not want to checkout every revision and look for big files in there. Let s ask git itself :)
for commit in git log --all --pretty=format:%H ; do git ls-tree -r -l $commit; done awk ' print $4 " " $5 ' sort -nu will show all files (actually all versions of all files) ever known to git, with the biggest ones at the end. Just identify the really big (unused) ones and remove them as above, thats what you think, right? Right, but .git won t be any smaller. Huh? Read git-filter-branch(1) again, just create a clone and it will be smaller, so mission accomplished! Now I had just 6MiB to push (compressed). For reference, the old tree would have used something about 150MiB to push.

5 November 2011

Evgeni Golov: Desktop in a shell: mutt with multiple IMAP accounts

It s been a long time since my last post about my desktop in a shell , but today I stumbled over something absolutely awesome I want to share with you. A bit of background: I am using mutt with a single imap server (where everything is forwarded to), because I disliked the idea of having multiple mutt instances running and did not want to play the <change-folder>imaps://other.server.tld/<enter> game too much.
Now today I had to delete some mail from an account I don t use regularly (and where the webmail sucks), so I switched my screen to mutt and actually did the <change-folder> game and was like wow because the account showed up in my sidebar and I could just jump between the folders of both accounts. So I thought how to automate this, so I could actually use mutt with multiple accounts (without offline-imap and friends, which is what you find on the web). It s damn easy:
# muttrc
set imap_user=account1
set imap_pass=password
set folder="imaps://"
set spoolfile="imaps://"
push <change-folder>imaps://<enter>
Well, what does this do? It advises mutt to use, but then just jumps to at the end of the config, resulting in both accounts being loaded into the sidebar and usable. That s it, one line and it is awesome! Please note, the password to both accounts is the same, you will have to fiddle around and put it in the URL somehow if it differs.

19 July 2011

Evgeni Golov: when mdadm is too fast for the kernel

you have to put options scsi_mod scan=sync somewhere in /etc/modprobe.d/ and regenerate the initrd.
(thanks to Michal Ludvig in happened to me on my Sun Netra T1-200 after the upgrade from Lenny to Squeeze, which threw me back into busybox of the initrd when it could not find the root-fs (on raid) and where mdadm -A /dev/md0 worked just fine to confuse me.

30 June 2011

Evgeni Golov: signing data inside your browser?

Let data be textarea->value and browser be (firefox or chrome).I want the user to be able to sign the data he entered in the textarea as I do not trust the website to store the data without modification.So far I found a couple of GnuPG/PGP based solutions:Didn t test any of them yet, so I am asking you, dear Lazyweb: are these any good? Are there any more such tools? What about X.509 client certificates? Can I abuse them for signing in the browser too? So far I found login stuff only. Pointers highly appreciated.

23 June 2011

Evgeni Golov: monitoring Adaptec RAID controllers in Debian

So I got my hands on that new machine, somewhere, somehow, and I had to make myself comfortable on it. The biggest difference in that machine and the ones I used before is the RAID controller, an Adaptec 5405, instead of the 3ware ones I used to have before. That means getting used to new tools, messages and all these things which I ll try to document here.Step 1: does vendor deliver?Well, yes, mostly. There is (mainline) kernel support for the controller, Squeeze s kernel will boot up just fine and I just throw my junk into /dev/sda and it will handle the whole raidy thingy itself. But what is when I want to check the health of the disks, to add a spare or modify the caching? Ask the mighty vendor and it will answer Yes, you can! .So I downloaded that asm_debian_x86_x64_v6_50_18570.tgz, unpacked and faced two debs, one i368 and one amd64. Yes, you could have saved half of the bandwidth if someone would have asked for the arch before, but who cares for some additional 60MiB today? So let s see what it does. Oh no, wait, there is a README ASM_IUG_for_Debian_and_Ubuntu.txt:
1. Make sure to be in root level access.
2. Install the ASM storman .deb package. For example, if the package is storman_6.50-18570_i386.deb,
   then install it using the following command dpkg -i storman_6.50-18570_i386.deb
3. Adaptec Storage Manager will get installed at /usr/StorMan
4. Add the line /usr/StorMan to /etc/ Then run "ldconfig". This is needed for the arcconf
   utility to find the path of the library
Well, 1 is obvious, so is 2.
For 3: hum, /usr/StorMan? Ever heard of FHS? Don t think so.
For 4: WTF?! I prefer to get libstdc++5 from my local Debian mirror instead.But at least they provide a .deb, right? Uhm, no, it s an RPM converted via alien :( And don t dare to look at preinst, postinst and postrm (it extracts an own copy of Sun JRE 1.6u16, chmods around wildly on install and does rm -rf something on uninstall, did I see that some days ago on the webs?). Let s get rid of that package as soon as possible, I decided, and just keep arcconf (which will be described later), esp because StorMan itself seems to include some call-home functionality which I d like not to have:
cp -a /usr/StorMan/arcconf /usr/local/sbin/
apt-get remove --purge storman
Step 2: does community deliver?You can, by the way, get (better) packages at from Adam C cile (Le_Vert). I didn t test those much, but I currently use the arcconf package from there, which seems to be exactly what I need: proper dependencies and just the arcconf binary, no Java sh*t.Step 3: monitor the controllerAs this post is about monitoring, not ranting, let s continue. As mentioned before, I only have arcconf installed, which is just a cli to do stuff with the controller. If I understood the docs right, the actual StorMan is able to send notification mails when a disk dies or the controller gets eaten by aliens, but as I don t have StorMan, I have to do things myself.Adam has a aacraid-status package in his repository, which includes some minimalistic shell-daemon to monitor the output of arcconf. It didn t perfectly fit my needs (and had some hickups with my disks which refuse to report a vendor, whyever), so I decided to write something myself (slightly based on what Adam has done in aacraid-status, though).The result is on GitHub: you can see the code contains (at the time of writing) exactly ZERO comments and there is no README either, but it s actually quite usable already.I am now running aacraidd and get happy mails when something breaks :) [running = running from /etc/rc.local, no init script yet :)]Step 4: monitor the disks via smartmontoolsThere is one little problem I have with arcconf: it s closed source and does magic to the controller.With the old 3ware controller I was able to monitor the disks with smartmontools/smartd using something like this:
/dev/twa0 -d 3ware,0 -a -s L/../../2/01 -m root
/dev/twa0 -d 3ware,1 -a -s L/../../2/03
This is possible with Adaptect controllers too (not through /dev/twaX obviously). You have to have the sg module loaded, which will result in /dev/sg[012] on my machine, with sg0 being the controller itself and sg1/sg2 the both disks attached to it. Having sg loaded, one can now use smartd with:
/dev/sg1 -d sat -a -s L/../../7/01 -m root
/dev/sg2 -d sat -a -s L/../../7/02 -m root
(-d sat is the important option here!)Thanks to Thomas Krenn Wiki: Smartmontools mit Adaptec RAID Controller for the basic info and Adaptec-Raid-Controller S.M.A.R.T.-Healthstatus monitoren for the pointer to the sg module!Step 5: relaxYupp, 4 steps are enough, go relax until the next disk dies (you will be doing something REALLY important that moment according to Murphy).

20 June 2011

Evgeni Golov: Debian/Ubuntu Games Team Meeting #4

Yupp, it s this time of the month again! Rhonda has already spammed about it, but I think repeating won t hurt: the next (4th) meeting of the Debian/Ubuntu Games Team will be held in #debian-games on June 26th at 10:00 UTC.
  • What: Debian/Ubuntu Games Team Meeting #4
  • When: 26.06.2011, 10:00:00 UTC
  • Where: #debian-games on irc.deb
  • Who: YOU!
The agenda is (as usual) listed in the wiki. This meeting will be moderated by Arand Nash.As I won t make it this time, I wish everyone a nice meeting and good results!

29 May 2011

Evgeni Golov: I m going to DebConf11 and Wacken2011

I'm going to DebConf11Yes, you will see me in Banja Luka. This will be my first DebConf, but I have a strong feeling it won t be the last one. I hope to see some productive sessions in pkg-games and pkg-ayatana, nice people and a lot of fun in a nice country.I will travel with ICE 729 from Duesseldorf to Munich and EN 499 from Munich to Zagreb on the 22.07.2011 and return with EN 498 and ICE 728 on 31.07.2011.To make things louder, I will go to Wacken from 02.08.2011 until 07.08.2011, wonder to see some Debian people there :)

28 May 2011

Evgeni Golov: Debian/Ubuntu Games Team Meeting #3

As it hasn t been announced on planet yet, I d like to invite you to the thrird Debian/Ubuntu Games Team Meeting on May 29th (yes, tomorrow!) at 11:00 UTC in #debian-games.
  • What: Debian/Ubuntu Games Team Meeting #3
  • When: 29.05.2011, 11:00:00 UTC
  • Where: #debian-games on irc.deb
  • Who: YOU!
The agenda is listed in the wiki and Kamping_Kaiser will try to stick to it (not as I did the last meeting).So see you tomorrow 11:00 UTC in #debian-games on!

9 May 2011

Evgeni Golov: playing sick games (RC-bugs 2011/18)

I ve been a little sick the last days and decided to be productive instead of just drinking tea all the time.The result are some (10) squashed bugs from pkg-games, and one long standing nmu.adonthell#624998 LP#765984
FTBFS: error: taking address of temporary [-fpermissive]
Patch by Peter De Wachter, I just had to sign and upload.alex4#624884
FTBFS: stat.h:106:22: error: expected identifier or ( before [' token
Include defs.h *after* particle.h, thus not redifining __unused from glibc's bits/stat.hfenix#554286 LP#770962
FTBFS with binutils-gold
Fixed since 0.92a.dfsg1-6, bug closed. Found different FTBFS though, fix uploaded as -9.freeciv#554411
FTBFS with binutils-gold
Closed after verifying that it is fixed since at least 2.2.1 as upstream wrote.kball#624978
FTBFS: src/gamemenu.cpp:224:52: error: 'mkdir' was not declared in this scope
Include sys/stat.h in 06_homedir_game.patch and 07_homedir_editor.patch.kiki-the-nano-bot#625047 LP#770970
FTBFS: ../src/../SWIG/KikiPy_wrap.cpp:13045:63: error: taking address of temporary [-fpermissive]
Patch by Peter De Wachter, I just had to sign and upload.late#624937 LP#770857
FTBFS: ball.h:113:19: error: NULL was not declared in this scope
Include stddef.h in ball.h to define NULL.libclaw#625038 #624919 LP#770805
FTBFS: avl_base.hpp:137:15: error: ptrdiff_t does not name a type
Patch by Julien Jorge, I just had to sign and upload.liquidwar#555468
FTBFS with binutils-gold
Patch by Stephen Kitt, I just had to sign and upload.lordsawar#555564
FTBFS with binutils-gold
Closed after verifying that it is fixed since at least 0.1.8xnecview#621392
FTBFS on armel: expected identifier before numeric constant
R0 is already taken as a register name on armel, rename xnecview s constant to DEFFAULTR0. (Patch basically stolen from Ubuntu)

26 April 2011

Evgeni Golov: dear qmake

i can haz understanding?I m trying to rebuild a package with gcc-4.6 instead of (default) gcc-4.5. Sounds easy, huh?Not today, not with qmake :(Setting CC=gcc-4.6 CXX=g++-4.6 on the command-line does not help. Neither does exporting these in debian/rules. Let s fire up Google, I think I remember qmake tends to prepend EVERYTHING with QMAKE_ Right, official documentation says it s QMAKE_CC and QMAKE_CXX. Setting those on the command-line does not help. debian/rules? Nope!Okay, let s do it the qmake-way, set it in the main .pro file which basically just calls a bunch of other .pro files (one for each component of the project). Guess what? It does not help. You have to set these in each and every .pro file! Rly? Is this what I have a build-system for?</rant>Now, seriously, what s the proper way to override stuff like this in qmake? Any pointers appreciated.

Gerfried Fuchs: Games Team IRC Meeting #2

As Evgeni Golov already blogged, there is going to be the next round of a IRC meeting of the Debian/Ubuntu Games Team on the upcoming Saturday. This time it will be held at April 30th at 12:00 UTC in #debian-games on, so if you are interested in bringing the Games Team up to pace again, want to join and wonder how you could help, please attend. The agenda contains a fair amount of leftovers from the first meeting, please see Meeting Page about it.

/debian permanent link Comments: 0 Flattr this

21 April 2011

Evgeni Golov: Debian/Ubuntu Games Team Meeting #2

The readers of debian-devel-games@l.d.o and games@l.fd.o do already know, but the fact pkg-games has it s next (second) meeting on April 30th at 12:00 UTC in #debian-games needs the attention of the whole planet (pun intended)!For the agenda we have a whole bunch of leftovers from the first meeting, thus I did not plan any new items (besides of kicking Tolimar to be admin again instead of having the dream to drift away from his position ;)).
As most of us are lazy and wont klick the wiki link to read the agenda, it s served here too:
  1. games and cross-distro collaboration
  2. pending, removed, orphaned, wnpp & suggested games
  3. group
  4. sponsoring policy
  5. cleaning old, adding new admins (and users)
Do you still remember where you will be on April 30th at 12:00 UTC? No? #debian-games on And don t you dare to be quiet! ;)

14 March 2011

Axel Beckert: Planet Commandline officially online

Around the first bunch of postings in my Useful but Unknown Unix Tools, Tobias Klauser of inotail and Symlink fame came up with the idea of making a Planet (i.e. a blog aggregator) of all the comandline blogs and blog categories out there. A first Planet Venus running prototype based on the template and style sheets of Planet Symlink was quickly up and running. I just couldn t decide if I should use an amber or phosphor green style for this new planet. Marius Rieder finally had the right idea to solve this dilemma: Offer both, an amber and a phosphor green style. Christian Herzog pointed me to the right piece of code at A List Apart. So here is it, available in you favourite screen colors:

Planet Commandline For a beginning, the following feeds are included:

Which leads us to the discussion what kind of feeds should be included in Planet Commandline. Of course, all blogs or blog categories which (nearly) solely post neat tips and tricks about the command line in English are welcome. Microblogging feeds containing (only) small but useful command line tips are welcome, too, if they neither permanently contain dozens of posts per day nor have a low signal-to-noise ratio. Unfortunately most groups do, so they re not suitable for such a planet. What I m though unsure about are non-English feeds. Yes, there s one in already, but I noticed this only after including Beat s Chr tertee and his FreeBSD command line tips are really good. So if it doesn t go overboard, I think it s ok. If there are too many non-English feeds, I ll probably split Planet Commandline off into at least three Planets: One with all feeds, one with English only and one with all non-English feeds or maybe even one feed per language. But for now that s still a long way off. Another thing I m unsure about are more propgram specific blogs like the impressive Mastering Emacs blog about mastering the world s best text editor . *g* (Yeah, I didn t include that one yet. But as soon someone shows me the vi-equivalent of that blog, I ll include both. Anyone thinks, spf13 s vim category is up to that?) Oh, and sure, any shell-specific (zsh, tcsh, bash, mksh, busybox) tips & tricks blogs don t count as program-specific blogs like some $EDITOR, $BROWSER, or $VCS specific blogs do. :-) Of course I m happy about further suggestions for feeds to include in Planet Commandline. Just remember that the feed should provide (at least nearly) exclusively command line tips, tricks or howtos. Suggestions for links to other commandline related planets are welcome, too.

